The Olympics are a rare treat -
let's keep it that way!
There have been a few drawbacks:

  1. "Bugler's Dream". Leo Arnaud composed a wonderful piece of music in his Charge Suite, but I'm sure even HE wouldn't want that fanfare played more than... oh... forty or fifty times a day.

  2. The few ignorant Southern crackers who kept trying (on global television) to turn athlete into a three-syllable word.

  3. Any "hero" who maintains a large supply of weapons and explosives in his closet.

  4. The shamelessly mercenary attempt to turn the glorious US women's gymnastics team into performing organ-grinder monkeys. Plus that ever-present Olympic fanfare.

  5. The rampant jingoism fostered by one too many US gold medalists.

  6. Being forced to acknowledge that some of the more Beverly-Hillbillyesque millionaire members of the "Dream Team" belonged in the Games.

  7. Carl Lewis' poorly-disguised arrogance in lobbying for a relay spot that belonged to someone else. And that inescapable fanfare.

  8. Any reporter who refused to stop interviewing vanquished competitors until they broke down and cried.

  9. TV cameras shoehorned into the most inappropriate places. After they strapped them onto the boats, I uneasily awaited the appearance of a "suppository cam"...

  10. And finally - that goddam fanfare.

ALL the Olympic athletes are as gods who walk among us, and
the aspiration to "Citius, Altius, Fortius" is a labor much to be admired.
But aren't you glad this circus comes to town only once every 4 years?!

Another irreverent outrage, interholics Anonymous
© Alan C. Baird